37. The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)

Three World War II veterans return home to small-town America to discover that they and their families have been irreparably changed. I so wish this film dove deeper than it does. The Best Years of Our Lives, directed by William Wyler and written by Robert E. Sherwood, only scratches the surface of what life for returning veterans.  All three veterans in the film are dealing with … Continue reading 37. The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)

You Must Remember This and Six Degrees of Song of the South : Some Thoughts

I’ve mentioned the podcast You Must Remember This before on this site. For a film lover, it is an absolute must. I wanted to briefly talk about the most recent series done on the podcast, “Six Degrees of Song of the South” about the Walt Disney film of the same name. If you know anything about the film, you know that it is rooted deeply … Continue reading You Must Remember This and Six Degrees of Song of the South : Some Thoughts