40. The Sound of Music (1965)

A woman leaves an Austrian convent to become a governess to the children of a Naval officer widower. If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s this: I once watched The Sound of Music everyday for six months straight. Now, for clarification, this was years ago when I had first seen the film and did not own the motion picture soundtrack. This was long … Continue reading 40. The Sound of Music (1965)

Why I Love Movie Musicals

I always find it interesting that movie musicals, for as many people there are that love them, there’s just as many that absolutely hate them. And, I’ve never really understood that hatred. I don’t know if it’s because some of the first films that I saw were movie musicals (I’m looking at you, Disney), but whatever it is, I do love them. I love them … Continue reading Why I Love Movie Musicals